
Pretty Little Liars: Season Finale

Hello everyone! So as you all now this weeks was the season finale for Pretty Little Liars... and I must say I was really surprised by what happened. Something that I LOVED from this episode what that we finally got to see what happened the night Alison disappeared, which was something we were all dying to know... 

The big surprise in this episode was finding out that Alison's mother knows who tried to kill her daughter and yet se tried to cover up for that person... I honestly can't wait for the 5th season, I want to know who A is and also what will happen with Ezra; since he got shot by A on this episode when he was trying to help the girls to escape from A. I really, really do hope he doesn't die... since he is one of my favorite characters in the whole series (And we can't have him die)... besides, he does know who A is and of he dies then we'll have to wait even longer to know who's behind everything that has happened to the girls.

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